Baby Shower

The stork has been at it again!
We are on a mission!

On 20 July, DPSG will be holding a baby shower honoring the Fighting Fifth new Moms-to-be and new Mamas.

Your generous donation will go a long way towards making this day special for our brave Moms of the regiment and give our baby Marines a great start in life!

Most of these young women are far from home and have little support as they begin their journey into motherhood. Some Dads are deployed and won’t be home for many months.

It’s one of our favorite events, with a gourmet lunch, arts and crafts, games, and prizes. Dads are welcome, too!

Each will receive a basket overflowing with clothes, diapers, toys, gift cards, and many more of the necessities they all need.

Any funds raised through this solicitation that are more than our goal will be placed into the general fund for our Fighting Fifth and their families unless the donor specifies otherwise in writing.